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Sheikh Saadi and His Dress

Sheikh Saadi moral story, a dress doesn't make a man great in English.

Sheikh Saadi and His Dress story of a dress doesn't make a man greatSheikh Saadi was a great scholar of the Persian. Once the king invited him to his place. The place of the king was too far. On the way, the night came. He took shelter in a rich man’s house.

The dress of Saadi was not well. For this reason, the rich man did not give him rich food. However, in the next day, Saadi left the rich man’s house and went to the place of the king. 

The king showed him much honor. He gave him some beautiful dress sheikh Saadi took the dress and wore one of them.

However, he began his return journey from the place of the king. Again, the night came. Saadi took shelter in the same house.
 Now seeing the nice dress, the rich man gave him rich food and showed much respect. Now sheikh Saadi did not eat them. Rather he began to take them in the pocket of the dress. The people of the house were astonished. The asked him about it.

Sheikh Saadi told them that he took shelter in this house while he was going to the placer of the king but at that time he was not well dressed. So, he was not fit for this food. The dress which he wore deserved this food. For this, he was doing so.

The owner, as well as the people of the house, got ashamed for their deeds. They requested him to forgive them for the first time.

Moral of the story “Dress Doesn’t Make a Man Great