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Why Does The Frog Croak?


"why does the frog croak" short funny bedtime stories for kids English and a lesson for student of greediness and kid’s bedtime story.
short funny bedtime stories for kids "why does the Frog croak"


What sound does a frog make? Croak, croak! Isn’t a beautiful sound. But, a long time ago, frogs had beautiful voices. They could sing more beautiful than the Quail birds. This all kind of birds and Quail birds shifted because of one frog named Roaring.

Roaring had the most beautiful voice of all the animals. When he sang, all the other animals came to hear him. They enjoyed listening to Roaring. “Please teach us how to sing as like you!” the animals request to Roaring. But Roaring every time replayed in the same way. “No, no. My voice is mine. I cannot share it,” he said.

One morning, Moxie the rabbit and Pluck the lizard talked to the fox and the rat. “Roaring has such a big beautiful voice. Surely, he can share it with us,” said Maxie. They agreed. Roaring should share his voice with them. It was such big voice. Each animal could have just a small piece of it. Roaring could share his voice with each animal.

The animals talked and talked late into the afternoon. They made a plan to take Roaring’s voice. They decided not to tell the birds. But, they didn’t have to tell them! The birds were sitting in the tree and they heard the animals’ plan.

At midnight, Pluck and Moxie quietly went to Roaring’s home. Roaring was sleeping in his bed, and without making a sound, they took his voice! They put it into a glass jar.
Pluck and Moxie took the glass jar outside. The other animals were waiting. “Oh give me my piece!” said the fox. “I want my piece!” said the rat. Suddenly, the jar fell to the ground and it broke. Roaring’s voice and the jar were now in a hundred little pieces.

“Oh, no!” cried Moxie. The animals searched, but they couldn’t find any of the pieces. It was too dim and the parts of voice were too small. “What are we going to do now?” asked Pluck. “OK let’s go back home, we will come back in the morning,” said Moxie. And, all the animals went home without a piece of Roaring’s beautiful voice. They were all very tired from looking for the voice, so they went to sleep.

In the morning, as the sun came up, the birds went out to have their breakfast. With their good eyes, the Quail birds and other birds saw the small parts of the beautiful voice on the soil. They carefully picked up the pieces. They didn’t leave any piece of the beautiful voice behind.

That afternoon, the animals finally woke up, they ran to get back the parts of Roaring’s voice, but all they found there was nothing, only broken glass. They searched and searched, but there were no pieces of the voice. Then, suddenly they heard a lovely song coming from the trees. Roaring’s voice was coming from the trees. They looked up and saw the birds singing.

And to this day, the birds sing with Roaring’s beautiful voice, and Roaring and all the other frogs can only say croak … croak.