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Share of God


"Share of God" short funny bedtime stories for children in English.

short funny bedtime stories for kids of, share of God

Once their friends Raju, Sanjeev and Raj Kumar were returning home. They found a box full of gold coins. Let us count them and distribute among us. Yes, you are right Raju.

They started counting 1… 2…. 3…. 4…… 5…. And 2999…. 3000. Oh! Very good! It’s easy to distribute each of us will have 1000 gold coins. I have three bags, put 1000 coins in each and we shall get one bag each.

"share of God" short funny bedtime stories for kids in English for students

I’ve taken my bag. I’ve taken mine. Last remaining belongs to me. We have received a lot of money today. Yes! What will you do with yours, Raju? Indeed, it is god who has given us such a big amount.

So, I’ll keep a quarter and give the rest to God. What will you do, Raj Kumar? I’m going to keep half with me, and give test of the other half to God in the temple.

But one thing what will you do Sanjeev? You’ve not told about your share? I…... me…. I shall throw up all the coins, God will take as much as He requires and whatever falls down, will be mine. Ha…. Ha…. Ha….