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Prince Survey of jail


Short funny bedtime stories for children's of Prince Survey of jail.

Long long ago, a King ordered his only son to survey the prison. Also said, "it will keep you away of crime." The Prince was very respectful of his father (The King) so he went to the jail where criminals were confined. That time jail was not invented. So as a punishment, criminals had been thrown in the big holes. Lots of guards were appointed to keep criminals into the Hole.

The prince asked:  The minister "why they are guarding them even they are in deep in the hole?"

The minister replied: Helping each other they try to escape from the hole.

At the end of the survey, the prince suddenly found a hole without any guard.

The prince asked again: "this hole has the maximum number of criminals but no guard appointed for them?

The Minister: Because they are Bangladeshi people, and they guards themselves by faithfully, sir

The King: if they are so much loyal even they don't try to escape from the hole then which purpose they had been punished?

The Minister: They try to escape sir, But whenever one of them tries to climb, another criminal pull him down. So no one escapes.